Grief Counselling/Grief Therapist

What is Grief?


Grief occurs when we experience a major loss and life change. Grief can be sudden, scary, and hard. It comes in waves – with some feeling like tidal waves, all consuming and taking your breath away, and other waves gently crashing along your emotional shoreline. Initially we may experience shock and function on autopilot. Then we may bounce between the different stages of grief. There is no right way or wrong way to grieve. There is no timeline for when grief should be over.  Everyone is different. We all experience grief in our own way and at our own pace.


But you don’t have to grieve alone. We can help you get through the pain and slowly start to rebuild your life.



What can you expect from therapy?

We meet you where you are on your grief journey. After the shock wears off, you may be full of anger, denial, bargaining, depression, or acceptance. You may experience guilt. You may be looking for meaning behind this loss. Then you may find yourself angry again. You can bounce through the stages in any order, as you try to make sense of this significant life change. We help you understand what is happening and help you process each stage.




Helping you through the painWe are here to hear your grief story and help you make sense of your grief. It is common to isolate ourselves, or even try to avoid “feeling” our grief using self-soothing behaviors like eating, shopping, substances, or other behaviors. We may have no appetite at all or overeat. You may have difficulty sleeping or sleep a lot. You may experience tummy issues, or find you are always getting sick, experience more body aches or headaches, even blood pressure or heart irregularities. These physical symptoms can add to the chaos and loss of control you already feel. This is your body’s response to the stress and stress hormones continually flowing through your body.


Deep UnderstandingAs someone who lost both a daughter and mother, I know the only way to process grief is through it. It feels like the emptiness and pain will never stop. It takes everything you have to just get through the day. We can help you through the dark days, until you are ready to move on. Eventually it does get a little bit better, and you feel like you can breathe again. Maybe even start to think about what now?


Techniques I use various modalities to help you process your grief. EMDR can help get you past some of the worst memories and beliefs. CBT techniques may address your thoughts and beliefs. You are supported and encouraged to experience your emotions as they come, while giving you the tools to keep your emotions manageable so you do not become overwhelmed. We are here to help you make sense of what you are feeling. We help you find your way out.


Moving forward – Tomorrow will be different. There is no way around the profound changes you have experienced. But eventually, a new routine starts to emerge. The waves get smaller and further apart. You can even smile again. The loss will always remain a part of you, but the grief is replaced with fond memories of better times. When you think of your loved one you are filled with love, and some sadness as you miss them, rather than the overwhelming grief.


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