Anxiety Counselling / Anxiety Therapist

What is Anxiety? 



Stress is a normal part of our everyday lives. Let’s face it, life is busy! The demands of balancing our work, family, and social lives can feel exhausting. It often leaves us feeling like there isn’t enough time in the day. It can feel overwhelming. You might even feel fear and anxiety. When this happens more often or starts to interfere with your ability to function or enjoy daily life, it may be time for some help. You may find yourself: 

  • Feeling like you can’t stop worrying.
  • Feeling restless or “nervous” energy that won’t go away.
  • Having difficulty falling or staying asleep.
  • Eating more or less than normal.
  • Feeling more irritable or angry.
  • More frustrated in your relationships at work or at home.
  • Experiencing a sense of panic.
  • Avoiding situations or people.
  • A sense of losing control where previous coping strategies no longer work. You might find yourself “numbing” or avoiding your feelings by using food, alcohol, drugs, excess exercise, work, gambling, shopping, or other methods to feel better. These strategies now make you feel worse and even more anxious!

What Does treatment Look Like?

At Peace

We help you learn how your thoughts influence your behaviors. So many of our thoughts occur without our awareness – so the first step is noticing our thoughts with curiosity and without judgment. This allows us to question thoughts that lead to undesirable behaviors and encourage thoughts that lead to more desirable outcomes. Recognizing how our nervous system influences our thoughts and feelings allows us to get in touch with emotions we may have rejected or suppressed such as “undesirable” “bad” or “wrong”.  However, our emotions are an important way for the body to send us valuable messages about our environment. Noticing why we have the feelings of panic and anxiety is an important part of gaining the skills to change our thoughts, and ultimately, our behavior.


When you have completed treatment, confidence and happiness are your new normal. Even if something causes you to feel temporarily anxious, you will now have the tools to successfully overcome it. You will find you can enjoy social occasions that you have been avoiding because they no longer hold any fear. You can finally start living a full and satisfying life, enjoying all of the activities you could only dream about before.


Change is scary. Therapy can seem scary – but things staying the same or even feeling worse is scary too! You are here because you are tired of how things have been going and want to consider something better. You are in the right place. We will ensure the process is as simple and painless as possible for you. Reach out to get started now!


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