Welcome to Serene Waters Therapy

Are you feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, lost, or confused about the future? Sometimes life can leave us feeling stuck. Our important relationships may start to suffer. Work stress may feel more unmanageable. We lose interest in things we once enjoyed. We fear others will see how we are struggling, so we might avoid them, and only end up feeling even worse. This hurts your relationships even more and makes day-to-day life even harder. We know how scary reaching out for help can be. We are here to help!

You are in the right place! You don’t have to be alone, and you don’t have to struggle anymore. At Serene Waters Therapy, we can help you find you again! You deserve to live your best life! Let’s help you find it together!

We have experience helping others just like you get past being “stuck” and move on to enjoy a full and rewarding life. Enjoy relationships that leave you feeling connected and fulfilled. Feel more focused and productive at work. Engage in interests that reward your passions and feed your self-expression. You deserve to live your best life!

We’re so glad you are here! Things can start getting better today.

We offer Virtual and In-Person Sessions in a quiet and relaxing environment.

Individual Counselling | Couples Counselling | Family Counselling

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Latest Blog & Articles

  • Low Contact: The Punisher versus The Self-Protector

    Low Contact: The Punisher versus The Self-Protector Holidays are hard for many people. Some individuals may feel tremendous anxiety and pressure to spend time with more difficult family members. Those who are in no contact situations often feel sad, angry, and even grief over not having loving and supportive family. This usually involves a lot…

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  • At Peace

    Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

    Your world has often been turned upside down after being involved with a narcissist or highly antagonistic individual. It is important to be gentle with yourself as you heal. Self-care is an important part of your healing journey. Finding a common community or support group who understands your experience, validates you, and helps you feel…

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  • PTSD

    The Fallout from a Covert Narcissist

      Many of us were taught that emotional abuse was not that bad. However, from the number of clients who present with symptoms of Complex PTSD after working, living with, or being married to a psychological abuser – this is simply not the case. In fact, research has shown that pain registers in the same…

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